

Parwana Fayyaz, one of our Comparative Literature alumna, is the winner of the Forward Prize 2019.
She has won the 2019 Forward鈥

Two DLCL undergraduates, Isabelle Carpenter (Comparative Literature and International Relations) and Clara Romani (French and History), have been鈥

The Department of Comparative Literature is considering applicatins for a tenure-track or Tenured faculty position. To submit an application visit鈥

The Department of German Studies at 素人色情片 is pleased to announce the Gerda Henkel Visiting Professorship for 2020-2021 and to鈥

The DLCL is delighted to share news regarding the job placement of new and recent alumni. Join us in congratulating these alumni on their鈥

The robust calendar of DLCL Research Unit events has recently seen a boost thanks to the newly-formed Reading Groups. But unlike other DLCL鈥

On Thursday and Friday November 29-30, 2018, the Persian, Arabic, Turkish, Hebrew (PATH+) Focal Group hosted a symposium titled, 鈥淭rans;form:鈥

As the world remembered the centenary of the Armistice of World War I, on Friday and Saturday November 9-10, the 素人色情片 community gathered for a鈥

On Thursday and Friday November 1-2, the Center for Medieval and Early Modern Studies (CMEMS) hosted its annual Primary Source Symposium. The鈥